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Men’s Full Length Socks (Dollar Tree)

Epsom Salt Foot Soak (Dollar Tree)

Duster (Dollar Tree)

8″ x 12″ Felt

Rubber Bands

Twine / String

Red Paint


Hot Glue Gun

Step 1 – How To Make A DIY Sock Gnome

Pour your epsom salt into a cup and stretch the cuff of the sock around the mouth of the cup.

Turn the cup upside down to easily dump the epsom salt into the sock.

Tie off the end of the sock.

Step 2 – How To Make a Nose for Your Gnome

To form your gnome’s nose, pinch off some of the epsom salt in the top half of the sock and wrap a rubber band around it a few times.

Reinforce the rubber band by tying a piece of twine or string around the nose a few times.

Step 3 – How To Make A Body for Your Gnome

Ursula got it right when she said “never underestimate the importance of body language”. ?

To give your gnome some shape to his body, wrap a rubber band around the midsection of the sock to provide a separation between the gnome’s head and torso.  

Don’t forget to reinforce the rubber band by tying some twine around the rubber band  a few times for a little added support.

Step 4 – How To Make Clothes For A Gnome

Friends don’t let friends run around in the buff… so your gnome is obviously going to need some clothes, but NO WORRIES… no sewing is required! 

Fold an 8″x12″ sheet of felt in half longways and then cut along the crease.

Step 5

Run a bead of hot glue around the neck down the backside of your gnome and then immediately wrap the felt around the gnome (being sure to tuck the felt up under his head).

Step 6 – How To Make a Gnome’s Beard

A gnome wouldn’t be a gnome without its iconic beard, right?! To make this essential staple to your gnome’s ensemble, simply grab one of your Dollar Tree dusters and pair of scissors.

First, you’re going to want to cut off the fabric flap (that’s used to insert the handle of the duster).

Secondly, you will need to gently pull the fabric lining of the duster apart at the side seams.

In the middle of the piece of fabric and fur that was once a duster mere moments ago, you will find a piece of fabric without any of the fur on the opposite side. You will want to cut across this section. (see image below)

Lastly, apply hot glue to the fabric side of the duster and apply it to the front of the gnome. Be sure to tuck it up under his nose as well as under the sides of his head. 

Step 7 – How To Make A Gnome Hat

‘Now for what may be the most iconic piece of a Gnome’s wardrobe… it’s hat! 

To make your gnome a hat, grab the other sock from the set and run a bead of hot glue about 3-4″ in length down the sock, starting at the toe of the sock.

Fold the end of the sock into thirds, placing hot glue wherever needed.

Double fold the cuff / neck of the sock.

Paint (you could also use fabric dye) your sock red (or use another sock that has the style on it that your prefer for your gnome… a peppermint striped sock would look phenomenal as a gnome hat! ?).

Once the paint is dry, wrap the cuff of the sock over the gnomes head, making sure to tuck the cuff behind your gnome’s nose.

Make a pom pom for the end of your gnome hat! I used twine, but you can use any type of string or yarn that you’d like. If you don’t know how to make pom poms, there are so many videos on YouTube that show you exactly how easy it can be.

Locate the knot of the string you used to tie around the pom pom and place a bead of hot glue over top of it to secure it in place, then use that same bead of hot glue to adhere it to the tip of the gnome’s hat.